Monday, January 27, 2014

Sick Day

Unfortunately I had to take a sick day today. Although staying home is nice, it isn't so nice to spent that time sniffling and sneezing. Oh well, atleast I can sleep with the beagle and watch Parks and Recreation


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Living on Tea

basically I'm living on tea
Sickness has struck me down this past weekend. I was doing quite well with avoiding colds which circulate around my school, but it seems my immune system has let me down this time. It seems as if there is nothing worse than wasting a weekend due to sickness. Hopefully I can get back to feeling better before this week is over. 


Thursday, January 23, 2014

What I Ate Today

For breakfast I drank a 1 liter smoothie at around 6:30am. This morning the smoothie consisted of 1 orange, 1-2cups of frozen strawberries, 1 ripe banana, and two dates. (Sorry no photo, I forgot this morning!) 

I had a mid-morning snack of dried figs, dates, and almonds at work. 

This week I have been making sure to drink atleast a liter of water during the morning. (before lunch)

Lunch consisted of 2 large salad rolls (rice paper filled with carrots, lettuce, cucumbers, green onions, celery) and a tin full of fresh fruit at around 12:30pm. 

Dinner started out with 2 slices of Dave's Killer Bread (good seed) toasted, spread with organic MaraNatha peanut butter, topped with 1 super ripe sliced banana, and sprinkled with chia seeds. 

Then I moved on to eat half a mason jar of homemade dehydrated curry kale chips. (so addictive)

And to top it off 1 segmented grapefruit with blueberries and raspberries. (all organic)


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

My Favorite Vegan Snacks

These past few weeks I have been changing from a dairy-free lifestyle (due to food allergy), to a vegan lifestyle with more raw food. A treacherous change for me, but I already feel so much better about my body.

Snacks are a important part of my day. When you eat mainly fruit and vegetables, it is better to eat more than 3 meals to get enough calories for the day. Unlike previous snacks filled with strange things, my new favorite snacks are vegan and mainly raw.

- fruit! I love almost any kind of fruit 
- dates and almonds
- homemade dehydrated curry kale chips
- peanut butter
- smoothies
- veggie sticks with hummus

I hope these snacks inspire you to change up your diet! 


Monday, January 20, 2014

My Family's Wool Sock Obsession

This last Sunday I was deemed the task of hanging up all of the wool socks to dry. This entire bin was full of every kind of wool sock you could imagine. Although I don't particularly enjoy the task, I am mighty happy to have lots of clean wool socks for the week. 


Thursday, January 16, 2014

Adventure Fund

Let us be adventurers.

The idea of a adventure fund seems like a fantastic idea; saving up to travel somewhere once a year. I only have a small problem, I must choose whether to save the small amount of money, which I make as a grader at my school, or spend it on travel?

I am wildly in love with the idea of travel, it is this idealistic idea of adventure. I am happy with a simple day adventure out to the pacific ocean, but I always imagine travel involving leaving the Pacific Northwest. Sometimes my imagination runs wild as I sit in Algebra 2 class, dreaming of hiking in Iceland, exploring far away islands, eating exotic fresh fruit... But back in reality I am learning about logarithms.

Thoughts for the day.


Strawberry Date Smoothie

I may have created one of my best smoothies. Simple ingredients which most people should have on hand. Yes it has dates, which are like pure sugar? Right? Well according to raw vegans they are great for you. Might want to double this recipe, it is that tasty

Serves one (1/2 liter)

1 cup of frozen strawberries
5 pitted dates
1 banana

Place it all in a blender and cover with filtered water. Blend and you are good to go. 
